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Fica para já o desenho da viagem que fizemos. Aconselho este roteiro, pois conseguimos ver o mais aconselhado turisticamente. Normalmente os turistas que fazem esta viagem costumar ir para as Capitais Vilnius ou Tallin para começarem a viagem, mas devido a promoçoes que encontramos online foi mais barato fazer estra travessia pela Europa de avião em vez de ir directamente para uma dessas capitais.
Nada do que uma boa pesquisa nos motores de busca como o SkyScanner, Edreams, Momondo, Rumbo, Opodo, LogiTravel para encontrar a melhor solução financeira para a nossa viagem!
For 9 days we explored the Baltic in the best possible way. However, it would have been nice if we had two more days. But that's ok. In the next few weeks, I will take you with me to explore four European countries. All of them were special and lovely, with breathtaking landscapes, enchanting castles and stunning cities, with beautiful green spaces and amazing architecture.
First of all, I'll show the map that we did for this the trip. I recommend this tour because we can see the most advised touristic places. Usually, the capitals Vilnius or Tallinn are the chosen cities to start the trip, but due to promotions that we found online, it was cheaper to make this strategic travel crossing Europe by plane instead of going directly to one of these capitals, so we started in Riga.
Nothing like a good use of search engines like SkyScanner, Edreams, Momondo, Rumbo, Opodo, LogiTravel to find the best financial solution for our trip!
Good trip!