quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

From Czech Republic with Love: Prague (II)

E eis que chegou aos últimos dois dias da viagem. No penúltimo dia voltamos a escolher a companhia dos Discover Walks e à tarde fizemos a Castel Tour. O mais "engraçado" é que para ir ter ao ponto de encontro era recomendado ir de electrico mas apanhamos o nº certo mas na direcção errada. Foi engraçado porque vimos uma grande parte da cidade sentadas (o que é fantástico após tantos dias a andar) e fomos locais por uns minutos. Mas depois lá saímos numa paragem e voltamos a entrar no certo. 

Finally, the last two days of the trip. On our third day in Prague we choose the Discover Walks to be our guides in the afternoon. They introduced us the Castel Tour. The funniest part of that day was that to go to the meeting point was recommended us to go by tram. Well we did, but in the wrong direction. It was funny because we saw a great part of the city while we were in the tram (which was great after so many days walking) and got to be local for a few minutes. But we changed to another tram and we got there in time. 

A tarde foi passada a conhecer o complexo do castelo (um dos maiores do mundo), o red light row, o Václav Havel, Panelák e a história sobre o final do nazismo e do comunismo. Fomos ainda até à Prague's Own Tower e passeamos no grande parque que lá tem.  

The afternoon was spent exploring the castle complex (one of the largest in the world), the red light row, the Václav Havel, panelak and the story about the end of Nazism and Communism.We went also to Prague's Own Tower and walked in the park there. It was great.

No dia seguinte foi muito mais calmo. As poucas horas que restavam em Praga foi para estarmos sentadas na praça a tirar ideias de moda dos turistas e locais. Lovely. 

The next day was so much relaxed. The few hours left in Prague were spent in the main square. It was a great way to get fashion ideas from tourists and locals. Lovely.

Após 14 dias a viajar posso dizer que foi umas das experiências mais divertidas e enriquecidoras que já tive. Só ficou Karlovy Vary para conhecer. Para uma próxima. 
Praga, tenho de voltar um dia. Ficou muito por ser visto e explorado. 

After 14 days of traveling I can say that it was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had. Shame that it was the fillm festival in Karlovy Vary at the time and the hotels were all booked. Next time, I hope.  
Prague, I have to go back there one day.  


6 comentários:

  1. beautiful photos ! xx

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  2. Nice post! I especially like all the great pictures you took, it must of been a fun trip. I'm following you now, please check out my blog and follow me too if you like it :)


  3. I've never been there but it looks beautiful!:)

    Hope you will visit my blog too!


  4. wowww! amazing post! love the pics!!

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