Prague was our last stop. In three days we explored this amazing city. I know that it's impossible to see everything in this short amount of time but trust me, it's enough to fall in love with it. After delivering the car near the central station we began our adventure on the streets of Prague. We first saw the famous Wenceslas Square and within minutes we reached the central square. It was so lovely with all the buildings lightings and even more special because of the bohemian jazz festival that was happening live.
Nos dois dias seguintes fomos explorar a "cidade das cem cúpulas". Voltamos a escolher a ideia do Free Walk Tour e escolhemos o grupo Discover Walks Prague. De manhã fizemos a tour: The old town - trendy Prague tour. Durante uma hora descobrimos a Charles University, as ruas Flamboyant Pařížská Street e Staromák; Josefov – the Jewish ghost town, o Astronomical Clock e toda a sua história incluindo os 12 apostolos; o famoso Grand Café Orient; o Powder Gate e Ungelt.
Over the next two days we explored the "City of one hundred domes". Since we enjoyed so much the Free Walk Tour we did the Discover Walks Prague. First we did the old town - Prague tour trendy. For an hour we saw the Charles University; the Flamboyant Pařížská Street and Staromák; the Josefov - the Jewish ghost town; the Astronomical Clock and its history including the 12 Apostles; the famous Grand Café Orient; the Powder Gate and Ungelt.
À tarde tivemos outro guia que nos acompanhou na Magical Prague - Charles Bridge and Kampa Tour. Com chuva à mistura foi uma das visitas mais engraçadas da viagem. Primeira vez que andamos na histórica ponte foi a correr enquanto a nossa divertida guia explicava o que mal viamos. Mas afinal esta tour era mágica pois mal chegamos à ilha o sol apareceu. Assim continuamos a conhecer o jardim, onde o Missão Impossível foi filmado, as esculturas dos bebés; o Kajka; ouvimos histórias sobre o comunismo e o pós; vimos o Devil River; e finalmente o John Lennon Wall. Antes de irmos jantar conseguimos encontrar a passagem mais pequena que existe onde até há um semáforo para passarmos. Único.
In the afternoon we had another "native" who guided us in the Magical Prague - Charles Bridge and Kampa Tour. With rain in the mix, it was one of the funniest tours of our trip. The first time we walked in Charles bridge was so fun because we were running while our guide was explaining it. But this tour is indeed magical - we arrived in Kampa island and the sun appeared. So we kept exploring island, where the Mission Impossible was filmed; the sculptures of tv babies; the Kajka; we heard stories about communism and post communism; we went to the Devil River, and finally we visited the John Lennon Wall. Before dinner, we Spotted a narrow alley with a traffic light that you must respect! Unique.
Os primeiros dois dias foram memoráveis e com tantos promenores que é complicado cá escrever tudo. No próximo post vou escrever sobre os nossos últimos momentos na capital checa.
The first two days were memorable and with so many details it's complicated to write down everything here. In the next post I'll write about our last moments in the Czech capital.