Já tinha falado cá no Cuddle|Days sobre aproveitar as excelentes condições de passeios e jardins da nossa cidade para correr e fazer exercícios. A verdade é que muitas vezes nem nos apetece sair de casa. Ou porque o tempo está péssimo, ou temos pouco tempo ou simplesmente não queremos sair naquele dia. A solução que vos posso dar é arranjarem um bom espaço na vossa casa e pôr o vosso computador/televisão à vossa frente. Afinal, fazer exercício é muito mais do que "emagrecer"! Ao fazermos exercícios vamos melhorar a auto-estima, a saúde mental, o stress, a criatividade e produtividade, a postura, os níveis de colesterol, o apetite,...! Em poucas palavras, a nossa qualidade de vida vai melhor tal como a nossa saúde física e mental! Por isso toca a levantar do sofá e fazer uns minutos de exercício mesmo na vossa casa! Fica aqui alguns exercícios que adoro! (Atenção, lá por adorar não quer dizer que faça tudo direito e sem me cansar nada! Não, admito que às vezes tenho de pausar os vídeos) :)
Antes de começar a fazer exercícios com mais intensidade devem de fazer exames físicos e consultarem o vosso médico! Mantenham-se hidratados e tenham uma alimentação saudável!
I've already told you about the advantages of walking, running and working out outside gyms and enjoying your city gardens and roads. Its more inspiring healthier!
The truth is that we often do not feel like leaving the house. Or because the weather is bad, or we don't have time, or simply because we don't want to leave house that day.
The solution I can give you is to arrange a good space in your home and put your computer / TV in front of you. After all, working out is so much more than "losing weight ! When we workout, we improve our self-esteem, our mental health, our stress, our creativity and productivity, our posture, our cholesterol levels, our appetite, and so on! In a nutshell, our quality of life improves as our mental and physical health! Therefore, get off the couch and workout even if it's just for a few minutes! Here is some exercises that I love!
(Warning: Even if I say that I "love" them, doesn't mean I can do everything right and I don't get tired at all! There, I admit it! Sometimes I have to pause the video)
Before you start exercising more intensively, you should do physical exams and go to your doctor! Stay hydrated and have a healthy diet !
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More examples of workouts you can do at home, aqui. |
YouTube and Videos:
Blogilates - She is fun and you have the possibility to choose so many different types of workouts!
XHIT Daily - Great workouts with great quality!
Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts - He's great! He'll show you how to do proper weights workouts!
ToneItUp - They are amazing! They teach you how to do great exercises, like "Cowabunga"! You definitely work your entire body!
LionsGate BeFit - You have so many different people teaching you how to do great workouts, like Jilian Michaels, Denise Austin, Tara Stiles and even Deepak Chopra!
Tae Bo - Such a great group with so much energy! Really, so much energy!! Amazing! Most of the exercises take 40 - 60 minutes but so worth it! You'll feel the next day!
TodayIWillbeFit by Dena - Great home exercises! One of my favorites!
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