quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2012

Bienvenue, October!

Outubro é um mês de aniversários, de frutos secos e do Halloween. A verdade é que em Portugal não é por tradição festejar esta data mas podemos decorar a nossa casa com ideias simples que fazem toda a diferença. Espero que vos inspire a dar um novo ar e cheiro ao vosso lar. 

October is a month of birthdays, fruits of the season and Halloween. Even thought it isn't traditionally celebrated in Portugal, we can decorate our home with simple ideas that make all the difference. I hope to inspire you to create a new look and scent in your home.

My soundtrack of the moment:

  • Frank Ocean- Thinking About you 
  • Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks
  • Imagine Dragons - On Top Of The World
  • Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait
  • Rilo Kiley - With arms outstrecthed


Disclaimer, this post is not sponsored

5 comentários:

  1. I love Halloween...the decoration on Halloween is the best and pumpkin soup is absolutely delicious.*_*`
    Do you like pumpkin???

  2. Great post! Really inspiring!

    Would you like to follow each other?

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  3. Best wishes for you to keep working on this blog so nice.

  4. hello!! i love our blog would u like to follow?? kisses



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